Hello and welcome to my app. And congratulations on reading the instructions. Me, I'd just like to barge ahead and figure it out. You must be smarter than me...

First off, you want to check the settings. There you can customize the app. Do you want clues? Do you want colors to help you remember the genders of the nouns? Do you want these colors on both sides of the card? How about sounds? You can associate sounds with genders too.

Do you want the words to be spoken. Do you want to write in or speak a guess? The icons on the bottom of the card let you star a card to study in a special set. The construction let's you edit the translation or the gender. And the speaker pronounces the word. The airplane starts travel mode, automatically flipping and reading all of the cards in the set. Change Order to run through the cards in reverse order.

To make a flash card set, you pick the language you are translating from (Original) and the language you are studying (Target). You give it a set name, and then you add as many words as you want for the set, each separated by a space. Or you can add phrases separating everything with a comma.

"Sparkle carrot jeans Don't let the bedbugs bite" Hit return in the box, and the words will appear in a list.


"Sparkle, carrot, jeans, Don't let the bedbugs bite" will create this list:

Don't let the bedbugs bite

Tap the nouns, as that is how the app knows to check them for gender. Hit Save Set, and then Translate.

You can delete cards by hitting the construction icon, and then the bomb. Or on the menu, you can view all of the flashcards in all your sets. You can move them between sets, delete them, or delete sets.

If you engage score keeping in settings, viewing flash cards are worth one point each, once per hour. Correctly answering a flash card in the answer box is worth 10 points once per day.

To input from kindle On Kindle E-Ink:

On a Fire tablet:

On the iOS app:

On the Android app:

Once you have the large file of your kindle flashcards, copy and paste that into box. Then scroll down to the bottom of the form, put in a set name, choose the original and target language. Tap Parse and Store Data, and then Translate.