Privacy Policy

My name is Bob. I wrote this app.

I do not collect any data. I don't know your email address or your phone number. I don't know who you had dinner with last Thursday. If I did know these things, I wouldn't tell anyone.

I thought you should know.

But wait, there is more. For complete transparency you should know that I used some software developer kits when I was making this app, and they could use and sell your information if they could get a hold of it. The Google play store insists I add this information for you. How they would sell your information when I don't collect it is a mystery to me. But I must warn you.

Now to be fair, if you choose to Speak your answers on the flash cards, the app does use your voice to fill in the answer. You could consider that data collection. But I don't keep your voice, and I don't transfer the data of your voice anywhere. It is like whispering into the wind. Furthermore, if you are concerned, then don't choose the speak option.

I hereby Comprehensively disclose how my app accesses, collects, uses, and shares user data. I do not collect, use or share any data. I do access your voice IF you ask me to. I only use it to transcribe to text to write down flashcard answers. I do not keep the data of your voice. I will disclose the types of personal and sensitive user data my app accesses, collects, uses, and shares; and any parties with which any personal or sensitive user data is shared. I do not collect, use or share any data. And I do not share it with any 3rd parties. Secure data handling procedures for personal and sensitive user data. As I do not collect any personal or sensitive data, it is therfor handled as securely as possible. You Cannot leak nothing. Developer’s data retention and deletion policy. I do NOT keep any data. If I find some data somewhere, I will delete it.

Any questions about Clouds FlashCards privacy policy can be directed to me, Bob at